Plot continuous values belonging to class labels. The values are plotted relative to each other in a gradient from a spectrum between two colors. User has the option to perform an association test and output p-value and a table summarizing median values and range.

panelet_continuous(pp,pp.col,gr, var.n="var.n",NA.flag=TRUE,
NA.col="grey", get.pval=FALSE, border=FALSE, border.col="black", ...)



required. vector. A vector of continuous values of interest


required. vector. A vector of colors out of which a spectrum of relative values will be plotted to make a gradient of continuous values in pp . Order the spectrum of vectors as (low,high)


required. vector. Class labels as passed to panelet_group. If NULL assumes no grouping, and outputs median and range if get.pval=TRUE


character. A character specifying the name of the variable. Set to blank "" if you want to omit printing any text. See cex


logical, default is FALSE. see get.colvector for details


default is "grey". see get.colvector for details


logical, default is FALSE. Perform non parametric association tests to test for association between the group variable and the continuous variable of interest. If TRUE a table summarizing median value and range in each class is returned as well.


logical, default is FALSE. Add a border outside panelet and demarcating group boundaries


default is "black", if border=TRUE, you can specify the color of the border to be plotted. Plots outside the panelet and class boundaries


pass optional arguments here


... can pass other parameters. Use it for controlling names and colors of panelets via cex, col. border line type and thickness can be controlled via lty and lwd respectively.

A colored panelet of continuous values is plotted as a gradient with values relative to each other. Make sure the variable is ordered according to the group labels in panelet_group.


A colored panelet of categorical values is plotted.


if get.pval=TRUE, returns a table summarizing the median value and range with a p-value from Kruskal Wallis Test

See also



#adjust margins and number of panelet values par(mfrow=c(6,1),mar=c(0,8,0,14)) #sort the entire data frame according to the group solution you are interested in mtcars.sort = mtcars[order(mtcars$cyl),] #plot group tt=panelet_group(gr=mtcars.sort$cyl, gr.col=c("red","blue","green"),"cyl",cex=1, border=TRUE, legend=FALSE) #plot variable mpg tt =panelet_continuous(mtcars.sort$mpg, pp.col=c("white","darkred"), gr=mtcars.sort$cyl,var.n="mpg",NA.flag=FALSE, get.pval=TRUE, border=TRUE)
#> Performing Kruskal-Wallis test
## Performing Kruskal-Wallis test